These should be viewed as introductions rather than formal recommendations - please do your own due diligence before making decisions based on this page. I asked them for a significant pay raise after - more.Disclosure: This page contains information about our sponsors, as well as affiliate links, which support the group at no cost to you. The benefits are decent but are lacking in comparison to other tech companies and insurance companies (they call themselves an insuretech company). There is not much room for growth if you are not a managers favorite and working 12+ hours a day. We had to do mandatory weekend shifts and the only way to get rid of them was to switch with someone who did not have the same shift as you. We went from set schedules to schedules that varied. The problem was that schedules begin to change. This was expected since they were a startup. PG started to change as they were growing.

They did offer incentives which changed monthly and after a while ended up being the same people winning time and time again.

There was also a fair amount of micromanaging which I was told when I was hired that this would not happen. Not to mention the person with the higher pay started only a week before me and was making $15,000 more than I was despite being less qualified than I was. I experienced a pay discrepancy that when it was brought up amongst management was quickly swept under the rug. They also advised that overtime was available and that I could make this back doing that.

I still took the job as I did need a fresh start and this job looked promising. When I asked PG to match they informed me they were unable to do so. One red flag I chose to ignore was the fact that I was offered a salary $1,500.00 below what I was making previously. PG (Policygenius) is actually an OK company to work for if all you want to do is work and not worry about anything else.